Sunday, July 7, 2013

Boyer's Coffee, Denver

Boyer's Coffee
7295 Washington St.
Denver, CO
(303) 289-3345

I was in a strange part of Denver, south of Thorton, just north of many warehouses. I needed a relaxing place for a small bite and refreshing drink away from the 90 degree heat.

After recently renovating their old school house building, the revamped Boyer's Coffee is a beautiful building with rustic and modern vibes. The coffee is roasted on site and there was so many private and comfortable spots  to relax in. My good companion, Rook the Dog was even treated to a lounge and biscuit so she didn't have to pant outside in the heat.

I managed a quick conversation with the manager about the history of the company. Family owned since 1965, Bill Boyer originally started the company from his apartment. Inside his small abode he roasted coffee for near by offices and businesses. The business has since expanded and now has the cafe and a coffee service to many businesses across Colorado. It is still family owned and the staff do did their best to make everyone feel the family vibe.

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